Q. Who can benefit from the patented core chuck MD 410?

A. Anyone with old generation core chucks having one or more problems:

1. Production downtime due to poor core chuck performance.
2. High cost of chuck repair, parts and replacements.
3. Difficulty removing spent cores from the chucks.
4. Rollstand operators unhappy or even injured due to chuck problems.

Q. How can a core chuck, very similar to the old one that it replaces, solve problems?

A. The performance and repair problems of old generation torque chucks are caused by design details, not by roller action concepts. The detailed limitations and flaws can be solved with geometric and metallurgical design advancements within the design type. Blade type core chucks are poor “solutions” to roller torque chuck problems. Do not change the chuck type, just solve the problems.

Q. What causes core tear-out and the resulting failure to transmit brake torque?

A. Cores which are damaged and/or weak and/or recessed are the most difficult to grip correctly, especially at high torque. Chucks which have mechanism damage and/or short jaws and/or insufficient expansion are the most likely to tear out cores.

Q. What causes a roller chuck to fail to release the spent core?

A. A very important form of chuck damage is denting of the expansion mechanism parts due to inadequate load capacity. Because the brake torque which expands a torque chuck is high in unwinding, a damaged chuck might (but might not) achieve the required grip. However, as the brake torque is removed, the jaws try to retract but the rollers get stuck in the dents, immobilizing the expanded jaws such that the rollstand operator must exert great torque or other wrestling to release the core.

Q. How do jaw tabs break and jaw retainers deform?

A. Most likely by very extreme grip events which cause the expansion mechanism to crash into the expansion limit condition with destructive forces. These crash events can coincide with core tear-out tension failure as descried above or with marginal torque transmission. The crash induced over-expansion can deform the jaw retainer and/or break the jaw tabs. The grip details of a MD 410 make expansion crashes unlikely. For added failure resistance, the much thicker parts can withstand extreme abuse, as can occur with serious core problems.This is a long form text area designed for your content that you can fill up with as many words as your heart desires. You can write articles, long mission statements, company policies, executive profiles, company awards/distinctions, office locations, shareholder reports, whitepapers, media mentions and other pieces of content that don’t fit into a shorter, more succinct space.

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